Advocacy Branch

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

Dedicated to preserving and advancing equity initiatives by and for students with a wide array of racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, sexuality, religious and cultural identities.

The DEI committee seeks to find new and creative ways to bring awareness to and advocate for key issues facing students of various different backgrounds, status, and experience. The team works to maintain regular communication and organization events with various organizations on campus working and adding value towards DEI initiatives to ensure all students’ voices are heard in campus-wide decisions. Our committee aims to increase access and remove barriers to students to resources, opportunities, and influence here at Georgetown.

We are always looking for ways to improve our campus and learn about the experiences of our fellow students who do not always have the space to make your concerns known to campus leadership and the wider student population. The team seeks new collaborations and would love to hear from you or your organization!

Please contact our directors for more information: Milan Bailey & Wedly Cazy

Energy, Environment, & Sustainability Committee

Promoting a rapid transition to safe, sustainable, and regenerative development.

The Energy, Environment & Sustainability Committee seeks to build new sustainability measures across Georgetown spaces, as well as build knowledge about sustainable living among graduate students. We host events, councils, and public awareness campaigns with students, alumni, faculty, and non-campus partners, including stakeholders from private firms working to make meaningful change to build a better future for our planet.

In Spring 2024, the team will be initiating the first ever Sustainability Month. We recognize that building a sustainable future involves many supply chains and policy decisions. Through this event-filled period, we hope to enhance this conversation and dedication amongst our students to foster this development.

Please contact our directors for more information: Flavio Cabrera & Sebastian Grajales

Energy, Environment, & Sustainability Committee

Transportation Committee

Helping students get to where they need to be through reviewing and addressing transportation barriers for in-person students.

The Transportation Committee works to improve Georgetown University transportation services, such as the GUTS bus network. Our team also works to help student commuters find easy, sustainable, and economical ways to get around the D.C. area.

One new offering that our team helps to support is the Hoya transit pass. At the beginning of each semester, students can apply for a $100 credit through SmartPass pilot program. You can learn more about this program below!

Please contact our Director for more information: Lev Boonin & Mahmoud Ashrifeh

Hoya Transit Pass

Food, Housing, & Cost of Living Committee

Advocating for student living conditions to be healthy, accessible, and affordable.

The Food, Housing & Cost of Living Committee is responsible for learning about the pressing issues students are facing in achieving housing and food security during their time at Georgetown. Schooling can be an expensive and stressful process; finding ways to support students to secure a healthy home life is our main mission.

One area our team has newly focused on is the 55H student housing. We encourage students to reach out to us about any questions or concerns they have about current or prospective housing in our new downtown building. The team also works with 55H management to build a sense of community in this new Georgetown-affiliated space.

Application opened for the Deputy Director for the Food, Housing and Cost of Living Committee. Please contact the Director, Gabriel Boyd or the Branch VP, Cynthia Ng for more information:

Students Rights, Conduct, & Grievances Committee

Listening to and amplifying student concerns across various issue areas.

The Student Rights & Grievances Committee is here to hear and progress the pressing needs of our student population. We seek to address the systemic and unprecedented issues that our students face through work with Georgetown’s administrative heads to make long-term change across our community.

Please contact our Directors for more information: Aiyanna Bartley & Manideep Anne

Your voice matters. This form is designed to provide you with a platform to express concerns related to your rights, conduct, and grievances within the graduate community.

Rights, Conducts, and Grievances form

Health, Wellness, & Safety Committee

Increase the well-being of our graduate student population through a focus on their mental and physical aspects of student life.

The Health, Wellness, & Safety Committee seeks to expand, improve accessibility to, and create new outlets for student health resources. Some of our work includes finding more in-network health providers covered by student insurance and spreading awareness of existing resources, such as SHC, CAPS, HoyaWell, HealthiestYou, HES, Sexual Misconduct Resource Center, SOS, GERMS, Campus Police, Dharmic Center.

For more information, please contact our Directors: Heejin Jeon & Weihong (Abson) He

Financial Aid Committee

Connecting graduate students with financial support offered across Georgetown networks.

The Financial Aid Committee seeks to gather current financial aid resources and create new opportunities for our students to fund their academic pursuits here at Georgetown.

Please contact our Directors for more information: Zaria Khan & Sherr Greene

Labor Rights & Working Conditions Committee

Promoting fair labor for our working students.

One of GradGov’s newest teams, the Labor Rights & Working Conditions Committee will work to advocate for on-campus student workers through work with GAGE and Georgetown leadership.

Please contact our Director for more information: Alexandra Long & Zachary Stoor